Help Make a Difference

or text GIVE to 715-503-3163

Ways To Give

E3 – Ezekiel’s Extra Endeavors (SCRIP)

SCRIP is a gift card program churches use that offers an additional way for people to serve their church. By purchasing SCRIP gift cards for everyday things such as gas, groceries, retail stores, and restaurants, members and friends of Ezekiel can also help our congregation do some extra special projects.

Community Partnerships

We work with different organizations from our community to extend our partnership to those in need and to help create a connection between our congregation and the community that surrounds us to better serve one another.

Supporting Our Ministry

It’s clear that Ezekiel’s large, vital and diverse ministry requires substantial financial support.
At Ezekiel we are committed to providing the resources necessary to accomplish our mission.

Shine the Light

Shine the Light Campaign Continues for 2025 as Keep the Light ON!

Time and Talent

Check back soon for updates on Time & Talent!

Giving Options

Give by Check

Write checks to Ezekiel Lutheran Church and place in the offering plate during worship or send to:

Ezekiel Lutheran Church
202 So 2nd St
River Falls, WI 54022

Use the Church offering envelopes if you have them or use the pew envelopes provided in the pew racks. If you would like to receive church giving envelopes, contact the church office.

Church Giving App

We are excited to share with you a new way to give to the church – GivePlus Church is a mobile giving app that enables you to make one-time or recurring gifts from your smart phone.

Visit the App Store or Google Play and search “GivePlus Church” to download the app for free and start donating today! Thank you for you for supporting our mission.

More GivePlus Church App information

FAQ GivePlus Church

Online Giving

If you would like to make donations on a regular basis from your bank account, or from a credit or debit card, just Click Here and follow the steps to review or create your account.

Text Giving

Have you made a donation through Text Giving?  You can make weekly offerings, or set up recurring donations by sending a text to 715-502-3163. With Text Giving, you can conveniently give to the church even when you are away, or don’t have cash or checks with you. It’s simple and secure. Below are simple instructions on how to use Text Giving. Thank you for your continued generosity.

FAQ’s Text Giving