Women’s Ministry
Purpose Statement
As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
Membership is open to all women who are members of Ezekiel. Opportunities exist to be a member of one of five circles.
WELCA Action
Mission Action promotes an awareness to help people in need whether it is local, churchwide, or global. Some projects in this category are the collecting and assembling of items to complete sewing kits, health kits, school kits and blankets that are sent worldwide.
“Sewing for Sustenance” is a new project in the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin that benefits our sister synod in Malawi Africa. Money is collected to help purchase sewing machines, fabric, thread and supplies. The women are taught how to sew in their local churches. By sewing and selling their items, they can have a sustained life and food on their table.
WELCA Mission
The mission and ministry of Mission Growth is to foster a variety of learning experiences which:
Strengthen each woman as a whole person
Develop her potential
Equip her for ministry
Enable and encourage women to develop their gifts for leadership
Lutheran Woman Today, an educational and motivational periodical published by the church-wide expression of the ELCA is purchased by each woman in a circle. Mission Growth also plans “Conference Days of Renewal”, Retreats, and other events.
WELCA Growth
WELCA provides opportunities for women to attend circle meetings, where small groups study and discuss scripture lessons on themes that inform and inspire us in Christian living. The fellowship uplifts our spirits and challenges us to become active in mission to others. Consider joining a circle!
Women of the ELCA
Circle Schedule
Sarah: 2nd Tuesday, 1:30 pm – Room 100
Mary: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm — Room 190
Rebekah: 2nd Wednesday, 9:15 am – Room 100
Rachel: 2nd Thursday, 9:15 am – Room 100
Hannah: 2nd Thursday, 1:30 pm – Room 100
Interested in Joining?
You can leave a message for Leslie Benoy,
and she will reach out to you.