A Journey Through Grief

By Steve Devine-Jelinski

In the tapestry of our faith, personal lament is a thread that weaves authenticity, vulnerability, and hope into the fabric of our relationship with God. The Psalms, particularly Psalm 42, provide a rich resource for expressing individual lamentations. Let us explore how, in times of personal grief, we can encounter God's comforting presence through the honest expression of our hearts.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 42:1-11

  1. The Cry of Personal Lament: Psalm 42 begins with an intimate cry from the depths of the psalmist's soul: As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God (Psalm 42:1, ESV). In times of personal sorrow, our hearts echo this longing for God's presence. Personal lament allows us to bring our raw emotions before God, acknowledging our need for His comfort and understanding.

  2. Honest Dialogue with God: The psalmist engages in a sincere dialogue with God, expressing the weight of despair. My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all the day long, 'Where is your God?' (Psalm 42:3, ESV). Personal lament invites us to be authentic in our communication with God, sharing our tears, questions, and doubts without fear of judgment.

  3. Finding God in the Depths: In the midst of personal lament, there is a recognition of God's presence, even in the depths of despair. By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life (Psalm 42:8, ESV). As we pour out our hearts, we discover that God is intimately acquainted with our sorrows and responds with His steadfast love.

  4. Choosing Hope Amidst Grief: The psalmist, despite the heaviness of the heart, makes a deliberate choice to hope in God. Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God (Psalm 42:11, ESV). Personal lament is not devoid of hope; it is a pathway to renewed trust in God's faithfulness and a declaration that praise will once again resound.

In the solitude of personal lament, we encounter the unwavering presence of our mighty God. Through honest dialogue, we find solace in His love, even in the depths of our grief. May our grieving become a sacred space where God's comforting hand is felt, leading us to choose hope amidst sorrow. As we journey through the valleys, may our hearts be drawn closer to the One who is our salvation and our Lord and Savior.


Turn It Over


Good Grief